A propósito: o trabalho de Janne Lehtinen , intitulado "Sacred Birds", pode ser visto na FNAC de Alfragide até 25 de Março. é uma excelente oportunidade para contactar com a sensibilidade humorada de um homem que prefere voar com os pés assentes no chão.
Posteriormente colocarei posts individuais para cada fotógrafo acima indicado.
Aqui deixo a apresentação da Escola:
«The concept of "The Helsinki School" is not defined by a specific discipline, nationality or geographic region. It represents an approach, a way of thinking that has evolved out of a process of teaching at the University of Art and Design, where each generation is given the chance to invent themselves.
Now the internationally acknowledged artists are gathered together in extensive exhibitions travelling around the world. The exhibitions are curated by Timothy Persons. These exhibitions have established the Helsinki School as a unique approach in how to teach and apply use of the camera as a conceptual tool. The Helsinki School includes both photographs and videos from selected artists who have attended, graduated from or taught at the University of Art and Design.
Each venue is different always concentrating on the newest cutting edge work available from the artists involved. Our hope is to use these works to establish a true edge of where photography fits into the world today. The exhibitions radiate the spirit of co-operation, introduce the uniqueness of each artist and explain the why behind the Finnish flavour of photography.»
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